Concept & Objectives
Concept of the proposal |
For a long time the Center has been the leader in the field of micro and nanoelectromechanical systems, sensors and detectors in the Western Balkans as a whole. We believe the Center is an institution with high potential and that it could quickly and relatively effortlessly become a strong player in the area and a leader in the Balkans as a whole, thus enabling it to be a reliable and strong partner with the EU. The main idea of the proposal is to reinforce the Center of Microelectronic Technologies into center of excellence. Towards this realization, one of the urgent needs is to improve connections with the EU. It is necessary to alleviate brain drain and to turn it into brain gain, to improve situation with outdated and non-functional equipment, to improve mobility of researches in both directions, with a practical insight into European practices and common procedures. The Center is one of the rare research institutions in the Western Balkans dedicated to micro and nanosystems, i.e. a rapidly growing field expected to bring advancement to many areas of life. At the same time, the Center would work in the other direction as well by spreading the EU excellence and knowledge about the state of the art science in this less advanced part of the world. Work is planned to be focused on spreading the EU excellence and knowledge. A strong need for enabling connections with the EU and improving the mobility of researchers in both directions are demands of the highest priority. It is expected that this framework will enable further scientific cooperation and spreading of excellence followed by successful integration of WBC science into the EU. |
Main goals of the project are: |