Equipment Purchase
One of the main objectives of the project is renewal and upgrade of the existing facilities. During the first half of the time predicted for the project duration the following equipment was purchased: |
Laser writer - LW405 (Microtech s.r.l.) | ||
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The LaserWriter system by MICROTECH is designed for the definition of planar geometries and for surface diagnostics, in applications where resolutions down to 0.8 μm are required. The system transforms a laser beam into a controlled writing tool for photolithographic mask fabrication or for direct in situ processing on planar substrates. Besides microlithographic and direct writing applications, its optical apparatus and substrate motion management are also well suited for surface inspection or diagnostics. Hence, the same machine can be used first for producing a pattern and later for inspecting the results. LW405 is based on a solid state GaN laser and is a very compact unit, with a floor footprint of only 75x75 cm. No laser cooling duct is necessary, as no heat is generated by the laser source. This simplifies system installation and portability. The minimum line width can be selected by the operator among 0.8, 2 or 4 μm. Besides mask writing (all standard resist-coated masks - chrome or iron oxide), the system is also specially suited for maskless direct patterning on the final substrate (Si, GaAs, InP, microwave/cryogenic/biological substrates, etc.) |
Lock-in amplifier - Model 7280 (Ametek) | ||
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DSP Lock-in amplifier (model 7280) is an instrument with variety of function but the main one is ability to recover signals in the presence of an overwhelming noise background and it can provide resolution measurements of relatively clean signals over several order of magnitude and frequency. With direct digital demodulation over an operating frequency range of 0.5 to 2.0 MHz, output filter time constants down to 1 μs and a main ADC sampling rate of 7.5 MHz it is ideal for recovering fast changing signals. But unlike some other high frequency lock-ins, it also works in the traditional audio frequency band. Controls of the instrument are set by a combination of the use of the keys surrounding the display and the numeric. The instrument includes the extended operating modes like dual reference, dual harmonic and virtual reference, as well as the spectral display mode used to aid reference frequency selection. It also includes GPIB and RS232 interfaces for remote computer control and a range of auxiliary analog and digital inputs and outputs. Compatible software is available in the form of a LabVIEW driver supporting all instrument functions, and the Acquire lock-in amplifier applications software. For better measurement quality, low noise voltage preamplifier (model 5113) and current sensitive preamplifier (model 5182) were additionally purchased. |
FT-IR 6700 (Thermo Scientific Nicolet) | ||
FT-IR 6700 is the Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer used for qualitative material analysis. The main FTIR stage enables transmission and ATR measurements. It offers the possibility to utilize additional plug-in devices. The wavelengths of the main stage cover the range from NIR to FIR – i.e. measurements are enabled from 350 cm-1 to 13,500 cm-1 (i.e. 740 nm to 28.6 μm). FT-IR 6700 contains a set of Ge and diamond probes for ATR (attenuated total reflection) measurements. This set is important for the measurement of small samples within micro-nanofabricated devices. System is driven by specialized software package for measurement control, spectral analysis and data processing. It also ensures automatic suppression of environmental influences (water vapor, CO2), ATR and photoacoustic analysis, various methods for fitting (e.g. the least squares method). |
iN10 FT-IR microscope is an intuitive, innovative and integrated infrared microscope that provides the simplicity of an FT-IR spectrometer with the ability to measure samples down to a few microns and enables transmission, reflection and ATR measurements. It collects picture data using a CCD camera in the visible and determining IR spectra from a surface with a minimum allowed area of 50 μm x 50 μm. It includes the basic software for image sampling and IR spectrum analysis. The configuration includes a liquid nitrogen cooled HgCdTe. |
SPM Ntegra (NT-MDT) | ||
NTEGRA Prima is a multifunctional device for performing the most typical tasks in the field of Scanning Probe Microscopy. The device is capable of performing more than 40 measuring methods, what allows analyzing physical and chemical properties of the surface with high precision and resolution. It is possible to carry out experiments in air, as well as in liquids and in controlled environment (operation in vacuum). The new generation electronics provides operations in high-frequency (up to 5MHz) modes. There are several scanning types implemented in NTEGRA Prima: scanning by the sample, scanning by the probe and dual-scanning. On account of that, the system is ideal for investigating small samples with ultra-high resolution (atomic-molecular level) as well as for big samples and scanning range up to 100x100x10 µm. The unique DualScan TM mode allows investigating even bigger fields on the surface (200x200 µm for X, Y and 22 µm for Z) that can be useful, for example, for living cells and MEMS components. Additionally, NTEGRA system is flexible and has the possibility to be upgraded with non-spm techniques. |
Spectrum analyzer - RSA3308B (Tektronix) | ||
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Tektronix's RSA3308B is a spectrum analyzer, which can be used to examine the spectral composition of some electrical waveform. The Tektronix RSA series offers real-time operation and frequency triggering. RSA3308B can measure spectra from DC to 8GHz frequency range. Being a real-time analyzer, the instrument is performing much better at low frequencies than a typical swept spectrum analyzer. The revolutionary DPX spectrum display offers an intuitive live color view of signal transients changing over time in the frequency domain, giving immediate confidence in the stability of user's design or instantly displaying a fault when it occurs. This live display of transients is often impossible with other signal analyzers. Once a problem is discovered with DPX, the RSA3300B Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers (RTSA) can be set to trigger on the event in the frequency domain, capture a continuous time record of changing RF events and perform time-correlated analysis in all domains. The instrument is well suited for our intended applications, and it can also be used for our future research at higher frequencies. |
Wafer bonder - AML-AWB (AML) | ||
The AWB wafer bonder has the versatility to perform following bonding techniques: Adhesive, Anodic, Direct (High and Low Temperature) Eutectic, Glass frit, Solder and Thermo-compression bonding. Bonder offers in-situ alignment with 2-5 microns accuracy. In-situ alignment at defined temperature offers more reliable and accurate post-bond alignment. AWB has a live control of all of it's parameters such as current, voltage, integrated charge, temperature, chamber pressure, force, wafer separation etc. It can have chamber pressures set from 10-6mbar Vacuum to 2bar progress gas, voltages up to 2.5 kV, temperatures up to 560oC and forces up to 15kN. It allows bonding of wafers sizes up to 3" and also bonding of standalone chips. |